For Reviewers
Àvtomatika i Telemekhanika  
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For Reviewers

In "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika" and "Automation and Remote Control" journals we use one-side anonymous peer-review process (author(s) are known to reviewers but not vice-versa, the reviews are unpaid). The only way reviewer name may become revealed to author if the reviewer has asked for it explicitly.

A reviewer should follow publication ethics policy of the journal.

A review request letter contains:
  • Article in pdf format, supported with supplimentary (if needed) files;
  • Name and contact information of associated editor for the article;
  • Review deadline date.

Reviewer has the right to decline reviewing of an article (in particular if the article's topic not in the scope of his/her interest, or other reasons), meanwhile the reviewer is welcomed to suggest other candidates instead of his/herself.

In case of delayed review editoral board of the journal reserves the right not to consider the submitted review.

In review should be evaluated following traits of reviewed article:

  1. Relevance of the paper's topic in scope of journal topics;
  2. Compliance of the paper's content with the current state of the studied issue;
  3. Completeness and quality of literature review;
  4. Objective of the study and the clarity of its presentation;
  5. Adequacy of the choice of research methods this problem;
  6. Contribution and novelty of the research;
  7. Validity of conclusions;
  8. Other positive and weak sides of the article as well as its flaws and drawbacks.

Finally, reviewer is supposed to justify his/her decision as of: "publish", "send back to author for revision", or "decline". The review is submitted in pdf format, its length is not limited.

In case of author's revision the reviewer may be asked to review revisited paper.

Technical instruction for review submission

  1. To work with authors' manuscripts of authors it is required to register on the website Access can take several working days, as registration on the site is semi-automatic.

  2. A review must be submitted as a pdf. Please, exclude all the information that can identify you.

  3. The review itself should be downloaded by entering the personal menu item " Work with authors' manuscripts " after logging into the Mathnet system.
    In the table "Manuscripts in progress " in the item "Reviewing" it will be a list of all articles sent to you for review.
    You need to click on the article name link, and information about the assignment will appear. Here you need to select the file with review on your computer and click "Upload".
    You can add a short message for editors to the review file in the field "Additional information" (it is not necessary).

  4. Check that uploaded review appeared in the file list. You can delete an erroneously uploaded file by clicking on the box "x" right in the file line, and enter or correct additional information by clicking on the box "i". (Once your review stage is closed, you cannot delete the file).

  5. Additionally, you can attach the authors' article file with your remarks. Please note that the Adobe Acrobat Reader program, when marking text and adding comments, inserts some information about you (including the computer user name) into each selection/comment automatically, and they must be deleted manually.

ICS RAS 2016