Journal archive
Àvtomatika i Telemekhanika  
S     Russian version

Journal archive

Volume 84: Issue 1, Issue 2Issue 3, Issue 4Issue 5Issue 6Issue 7, Issue 8, Issue 9, Issue 10, Issue 11Issue 12

Volume 85: Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3, Issue 4, Issue 5

Electronic archive

Fulltext electronic archive of journal “Avtomatika i Telemekhanika” since 1936 (except three last years) in Russian language is freely available at All-Russian Mathematical Portal

Archive of articles published in “Automation and Remote Control” is available via subscription on Springer web-site (from 2001 to 2022). Abstracts and short info are available for free.

“Automation and Remote Control” journal content is freely available at MAIK publisher web-site (from 2000 to 2022). Since 2023, the issues of “Automation and Remote Control” journal are published at according to license CC BY 4.0 and available for free.

Metrics and citation databases

Journal “Avtomatika i Telemekhanika” (in Russian) is listed in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)

“Avtomatika i Telemekhanika” (in Russian) is in index of All-Russian Mathematical Portal

Journal “Automation and Remote Control” (translation into English) is indexed in main citation databases and is listed both in Web of Science Core Collection (WoS) and Scopus.

More details are on About Journal page.

Paper archive

Decently full archive of “Avtomatika i Telemekhanika” (in Russian), as well as “Automation and Remote Control” (English) may be found in the library of V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences RAS, Moscow, Russia and/or editorial office at the Institute.

Print and electronic subscription

A print version of the journal may be ordered via regular mail subscription via Russian Post (in Russian) or Springer (both electronic and paper), see About journal page.

ICS RAS 2016