Full Issue |
| 11111 |
Incomplete Measurements-Based Finite Stabilization of Neutral Systems by Controllers with Lumped Commensurate Delays | 1-19 |
V. E. Khartovskii and O. I. Urban | |
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Nonlinear Systems
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Lurie Equations and Equivalent Hamiltonian Systems | 20-33 |
M. G. Yumagulov and L. S. Ibragimova |
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Control in Technical Systems | |
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Approaches to Optimizing Guidance Methods to High-Speed Intensively Maneuvering Targets. Part II. Analyzing the Capabilities of Different Ways to Optimize Guidance Methods | 34-47 |
V. S. Verba, V. I. Merkulov, and V. P. Kharkov | |
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Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Control System for Vertical Plasma Position in KTM Tokamak | 48-60 |
A. E. Konkov, V. I. Kruzhkov, E. A. Pavlova, P. S. Korenev, B. Zh. Chektybayev, S. V. Kotov, D. B. Zarva, and A. A. Zhaksybayeva | |
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Intellectual Control Systems, Data Analysis | |
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On Guaranteed Estimate of Deviations from the Target Set in a Control Problem under Reinforcement Learning | 61-73 |
I. A. Chistiakov | |
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Optimization, System Analysis, and Operations Research | |
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Stability Analysis of “Bridge–Pedestrians” System Based on Tsypkin Criterion | 74-85 |
I. S. Zaitceva and A. L. Fradkov | |
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Algebraic Methods of the Synthesis of Models Based on the Graphical Representation of Finite State Machines | 86-98 |
V. V. Menshikh and V. A. Nikitenko | |
Published: 13 February 2025 | |
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