Editor-in-Chief since October 2020

Corresponding member of RAS Andrey A. Galyaev

- First issue of a new Academy of Sciences' journal "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika" was published in April, 1936. The journal was established as a result of
purposeful work of Technical sciences department of the Academy on coordination of works of quite numerous (at 1930-ties), but weak and separated scientific groups, studying and researching in theory and practice of automatic control.
In 1934 Presidium of the Academy of Sciences organized a Committee on automation and remote control, which were functioning on voluntary basis. The Committee organized in 1935 a representative (600 participants) All-Union conference on automation, remote control and dispatching, and from 1936, began publication of "Avtomatika and Telemekhanika" the world's first scientific journal specifically devoted to control theory issues. The first editor was A. A. Chernyshev; in 1938 it was replaced by the corresponding member of the Academy V. I. Kovalenkov (1884 - 1960). Publication frequency were 6 issues per year with total volume of about 50 author's sheets, and the circulation in the prewar years was changed in the range of 2500-3300 copies.
- In June of 1939 under the Department of technical sciences of the Academy of Sciences was organized the Institute of Automation and Remote Control (from 1969 - Institute of Control Sciences, ICS). Since that time, the fate and history of the journal is tightly linked with the life of this institution. After the first three numbers in the 1941 the magazine was resumed in 1946, in a slightly reduced volume. Since 1951 more than 35 years the Editorial board of "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika" was headed by academician V. A. Trapeznikov (1905-1994). During this period, the journal has considerably evolved and expanded, reflecting at present, almost all scientific topics, one way or another associated with Control Science.
- Since 1956, the journal periodicity became monthly. Since then, starting with the first issue of the year, started full translation of the journal into English and publishing it in the US under the title "Automation and Remote Control". The annual volume to the middle of 70-ies reached 210-220 author sheets, as support the volume till now. During its existence, "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika" published over 10,000 articles and notes by authors from all the republics of the former USSR, as well as scientists from many foreign countries.
- In 2014, the Editorial Board and Advisory Board was updated, and special efforts were made for improving informational support of the magazine. The works was completed in 2016, resulted in switching to Mathnet electronic submission system.
- In October 2020, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences approved a new Editorial board of the journal. As editor-in-chief was appointed corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrey Alekseevich Galyaev, the principal investigator of ICS RAS.